Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

It is possible to incrementally create the relations if you are using static IDs (see Upload companies using static IDs ) and using the incremental collection strategy (Default value is recreate)You can modify company relations (entity vs. entity) incrementally instead of an all-in-one sync.


Create or update a relationship

If you omit the name property for the company, then only the nested properties are synced. In the following example, on the the parentCompanies will be synced since the name of the company is not specified.

Code Block
PUT /api/v1/sync
Authorization: Bearer :token
Content-Type: application/json
  "configcompanies": [
      "referenceId": "d",
      "companyIdFieldsparentCompanies": [
          "referenceId": "b"],
          "collectionStrategyownership": "incremental"

How to delete a relationship?

Previously created relations are not deleted by default. In order to delete relationships, use the delete property.

Code Block
PUT /api/v1/sync
Authorization: Bearer :token
Content-Type: application/json
  "companies": [
      "referenceId": "d",
      "parentCompanies": [
          "referenceId": "b",
          "ownership": 25,
          "delete": true        <--- Set the `delete` property to `true`

How to delete


Use the delete property


all previously created relationships?

In order to delete all previously created relationships, set the value of the cleanup property to true

Code Block
PUT /api/v1/sync
Authorization: Bearer :token
Content-Type: application/json
  "config": {
    "companyIdFieldscleanup": ["referenceId"],
  "collectionStrategy": "incremental"
  "companies": [
      "referenceId": "d",
      "parentCompanies": [
          "referenceId": "b",
          "ownership": 25,
        "delete": true        <--- Set the `delete` prpperty to `true`


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