

Authenticate yourself to start using the APIs.

1. Login to the platform

You can access it here: https://app.avallone.io/

If you don’t have access to the platform, Avallone’s customer success team can help you. Please write to support@avallone.io for assistance.

2. Create an API User

Create an API user from SettingsUsers. We recommend that personal emails shouldn’t be used for creating the API user (e.g. avallone.api@acme.inc, robot@acme.inc, etc).

3. Confirm the email address

You should have received an email with the confirmation link

4. Generate the authentication token

Add the token to the user


5. Copy the token for use in the API integration


Need more help?

Contact us on support@avallone.io and we will get in contact with you as fast as possible.


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