User Guides

User Guides

Avallone offers comprehensive online user guides, easily searchable to provide the most efficient and effective ad-hoc feedback you may require. Our user guides are accessible through https://knowledge.avallone.dev/, providing you with two distinct guides: KYC Collector and KYC Responder.

Getting started

New to Avallone? Learn how to set up users, activate your account an more. Getting started / Basic settings

KYC Collector

The KYC Collector guide provides a detailed overview on how to efficiently collect KYC from your business partners, investors, and more. KYC Collector

KYC Responder & Hub

The KYC Responder guide offers a thorough overview of how to answer incoming KYC requests from third parties, particularly from banks, law firms, accountants, and more. KYC Responder

Need more help?

Contact us on support@avallone.io and we will get in contact with you as fast as possible.



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