Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

In an increasingly complex business world, understanding your Counterparty's threat of financial crime becomes a cornerstone of KYC compliance. Avallone brings clarity to your risk scoring procedures.

Avallone allows to add a multi-layered risk rating to each Legal entity and Individual Counterparty. This is an useful assessment that allows for a better grasp of how much financial crime risk you are facing when dealing with business partners. Counterparties which are not assessed receive an automatic rating of Unrated. The rating applies to the Counterparty itself, it is therefore not specific to a request. 

The Counterparties can be rated based on different risk factors (e.g., Geography - find full list at the bottom), which leads to an overall conclusion which displayed in Avallone, when using filters and search. A more detailed look is possible by clicking on Details. Risk scores can be saved as drafts and finished at a later point in time.

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