Avallone Feature Report #1

Avallone Feature Report #1

Welcome to Avallone’s latest feature report, bringing you the most important updates of the last few weeks. Neatly packed!

This time, we focused on adding capabilities for the legal entity structure, sharing, and filter capabilities.

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KYC Responder

Making sharing enterprise-friendly

NewKYC Responder You can now copy-paste multiple recipients into the Sharing using comma-separated or manually creating them and pressing Enter.

For example: Copy the emails like this thomas@avallone.io, marcus@avallone.io, peter@avallone.io, berta@avallone.io into the recipient field.

NewKYC Responder Choose to send one email text to all recipients instead of one for each. Recipients will still receive separate emails and their own access links. It is still possible to create one email text for each recipient.

In the screenshot below, the recipients in the green box receive the same email text in separate emails (they don’t know of each other) and separate access links. The recipient in the red box receives a separate email with a different email text. He also needs to verify the access through a phone number.

Signature stamp and customized selection for the legal entity structure

NewKYC Responder You can now select specific companies/officers to export or use our “export all” options.

When exporting the structure or sharing it as part of a KYC package, you have the flexibility to choose whether to include all entities (parents, subsidiaries) and UBOs related to the company of interest or to select specific ones for export. This capability extends to indirect relations, allowing you to skip subsidiaries in between entities when needed.

Learn more: Export structure

Select specific companies and UBOs

NewKYC Responder You can add a signature to the right corner of your legal entity structure to provide an additional layer of authenticity.

Learn more: Add a signature stamp

Signature stamp on legal entity structure

ImprovedKYC Responder The company structure is now saved per company. When changing the position of the containers or resetting the structure, it is done for the company of interest only.

Download statistics when sharing packages

NewKYC Responder You can inspect who has downloaded your KYC packages and when for each of your shared packages.

Download status on package

Learn more: View who has downloaded your package

Useful: You can also revoke the access again: Revoke access from a shared package

Further releases

NewKYC rESPONDER Files now show up with the exact names in the officer and company documents

NewhUB You can directly access the Knowledge Base and What’s new page through Avallone’s top navigation

ImprovedKYC rESPONDER Attach up to 20 files (instead of 5) directly to the package when sharing with your counterparties

ImprovedKYC rESPONDER You can now upload and share Excel files with Avallone

ImprovedKYC rESPONDER It’s no longer needed to click on Hand over to Avallone when creating a new Responder case

ImprovedKYC rESPONDER We improved the user interface for connecting officers and UBOs with special rights to a company

ImprovedKYC rESPONDER We improved the user interface for adding recipients to the KYC packages

KYC Collector

Advanced filtering

NewKYC COLLECTOR For your requests, you can now filter by who created the request and who is responsible for the request.

NewKYC cOLLECTOR We now show the match status (no match, potential match, etc.) in the list of counterparties

NewKYC COLLECTOR Related parties now appear in the list of counterparties and are included in search and filters

Related parties in the counterparties overview

NewKYC COLLECTOR It’s possible to get a filtered list based on screening results using the dashboard or filters in the counterparty list

Screening dashboard

Follow-up date for Counterparties

NewKYC cOLLECTOR Add a follow-up date to the counterparties in the KYC Collector for regular due diligence requirements. The person who sets the follow-up date receives an email notification one week before the date is reached.

Related companies: data collection and screening

NewKYC cOLLECTOR Collect KYC information from your counterparties' related companies (e.g., their portfolio companies and subsidiaries) as well as screen them against adverse media and sanctions lists.

Add a follow-up date directly to the Counterparty

Further releases

NewKYC cOLLECTOR Restrict access to KYC Collector requests according to Created By and Responsible for

NewKYC cOLLECTOR View-only access for KYC Collector users

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