Officer with custom role

Examples on officer synchronization.

Configure the role

Roles can be configured from the Officer Roles Settings page

Create relation to the company

Now you can use a payload with the name of the role you created, as follows:

{ "companies": [ { "referenceId": "acme-inc", "name": "Acme Inc", "registrationNumber": "acme-inc", "incorporationCountryCode": "DK", "relatedOfficers": [ { "referenceId": "john-doe", "roles": [ { "name": "chairman", "title": "The Chairman" } ], "ownership": 10, "voting": 10 } ] } ], "officers": [ { "referenceId": "john-doe", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "isPep": false } ] }


Or just the relation:

{ "companies": [ { "referenceId": "acme-inc", "relatedOfficers": [ { "referenceId": "john-doe", "roles": [ { "name": "chairman", "title": "The Chairman" } ], "ownership": 10, "voting": 10 } ] } ] }


This would show up as:

The role name is cleaned up before the API accepts it e.g. if the role you create is Compliance Squad, then following values are acceptable:

  • Compliance squad

  • compliance squad

  • compliance-squad

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