Export structure

Export your ownership and control structure in PDF or transparent PNG formats

Avallone offers a convenient export feature that allows you to generate PDF or PNG files of the existing ownership and control structure. This feature enables you to obtain a visual representation of the structure, which can be useful for internal purposes outside of the Avallone platform such as a including it in reports, sending it to your colleagues, or keeping it as a record for reference. 

1. Go to the company of interest

2. Click on Relations

3. Click on Export 

Export the company structure from the viewpoint of the company of interest

4. Customize what you would like to view on the structure and click Export

You will export the connected companies and officers (parents, subsidiaries, UBOs, officers) of the company you are viewing the Relations.

You can either choose to export all or to select specific entities and officers you would like to include in the export.

If you would like a transparent background, click on Transparent background to export the structure as a PNG. Add a signature stamp if needed ( for more details)

Customize the export

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