Request a signature for your questionnaires

Request a signature for your questionnaires

Need a signature for your KYC questionnaires? Do it with Avallone!

Avallone has integrated DocuSign as a part of the KYC Responder.  This means that you can request signatures without leaving the Hub, directly from the Signatures tab. Follow the below guide to understand how signatures work in Avallone. 

You can only request signatures for questionnaires for which you have pressed Ready to Share

1. Click on Ready to Share in the questionnaire of interest

2. Go to the request of interest and click on Signatures

3. Click on + Request signature

Signatures overview

4. Choose the company for which you need a signature

5. Choose the questionnaire for which you need a signature

6. Add one or more signees

7. Add a due date, personal message in the email, and if anyone else should receive a copy of the email

8. Click on Send for signature

Signature details

9. Signee(s) will receive email with a completion flow on DocuSign

Example of a signature request email

Need more help?

Contact us on support@avallone.io and we will get in contact with you as fast as possible.



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