Concluding a counterparty

Concluding a counterparty

If you have multiple counterparties in a request it can be helpful to keep track of who you have finished collecting information from and who are still in progress. Hence it’s possible to add a Conclusion for a counterparty.

When adding a conclusion for a counterparty, the data in the Request overview is updated.

1. Adding a Conclusion for a counterparty works in the same way as Reviewing requirements. You have the following options:

  • Approve

  • Approve with mitigations

  • Reject

Conclude a counterparty inside of a request

2. The UI shows when a counterparty has been concluded, and the date and comment can be seen.

Conclusion information

3. The Conclusion is shown in the data in the Request and Request overview.

Request status
Request overview status

4. Once a Conclusion has been added to a counterparty, the requirements are locked, meaning you can no longer change the state of these, from Approved to Rejected for example.

5. You can “unlock” the counterparty again if needed, by Re-opening the counterparty. This removes the Conclusion you made, so you will have to make a new one later again.

Related topics:

Request overview

Review questionnaires and documents

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