What's new in March 2025
Welcome to Avallone’s latest feature report, bringing you the most important updates of the last few weeks. Neatly packed!
This time, we worked on enabling collaboration on KYC requests for your counterparties with multiple contact persons, as well as giving you more flexibility with document names, expiration alerts, and data exporting from Avallone.
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Collaborate effortlessly with Multiple Contacts
New kyc Collector
Send requests to multiple contact persons of your counterparties at once, allowing them to collaborate for faster, easier responses. Set default contacts for automatic selection, streamlining future requests.
Flexible Document Renaming
New kyc Collector kyc responder
Easily rename documents to
fix typos,
follow your naming conventions, making easier to search for documents
add prefixes like “Old” for better team clarity,
or versions such as “_v2” or “_2025”
Declutter your Expiration Dashboard
New kyc Collector KYC responder
Stay focused by removing unnecessary notifications and keeping your document expiration dashboard clear and relevant.
Export company information directly from the platform
New kyc responder
Export company information to CSV for easy use in Excel or analytics tools like PowerBI - perfect for non-KYC tasks. No need to involve Avallone! Plus, every export is logged with who did it, when, and what was exported.
Quickly spot missing required answers in questionnaires
New kyc Collector
Your counterparties can now easily find and scroll through missing required fields in the Sharing Portal using the up and down arrows from the “Missing answers” options, for a smoother workflow and a better user experience.
Other updates
platform APIs for creating law firm (legal) Cases
kyc collector Improved how comments of internal approval groups are visible in requests
kyc collector Option to disable internal approval groups for requests
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