What's new in October 2024

What's new in October 2024

Welcome to Avallone’s latest feature report, bringing you the most important updates of the last few weeks. Neatly packed!

This time, we improved the overview for packages, working with the legal entity structure, filtering, and highlighting deadlines.

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Views - create different versions of your legal entity structure

NewKYC responder KYC Collector

A View is a workspace that allows you to experiment with and modify the legal entity structure without affecting the actual underlying data in the system. This makes it possible for you to customize your exports of the legal entity structure based on your needs without having to worry about breaking the automated, calculated setup in the background.

Example of a View

Immediately see if your KYC deadlines have been reached


Get visual cues to quickly grasp if a deadline has been reached. For example, for your expiring or expired documents, your requests, KYC cases, or follow-up dates with counterparties.

Overdue and Due in 1d states for Requests

Filtering your officer and company documents

New KYC responder

Officers and Companies each have a tab called Documents. For both types of profiles (Officers/Companies), you can now filter for the document type or search by the document name.

Filter option for your documents

Check if someone hasn't downloaded your packages

New KYC responder

The new overview in the Packages list allows you to immediately see if a recipient has not downloaded the KYC package that you shared with them. We will also highlight if we weren’t able to deliver the emails to the recipient address, for example, if the recipient’s email address isn't active anymore.

Example of a shared package

Other updates

  • kyc responder Creating anchor points along the lines of your legal entity structure

  • kyc collector Option to reuse documents in requests

  • kyc Collector Option to collapse and expand side bar in a request

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Contact us at support@avallone.io, and we will contact you as fast as possible.

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