What's new in July 2024

What's new in July 2024

Welcome to Avallone’s latest feature report, bringing you the most important updates of the last few weeks. Neatly packed!

This time, we focused on adding capabilities for the legal entity structure, document overviews, and package sharing.

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Lines for your entity structure - even more flexible!

NewKYC responder

Our new addition to our legal entity structure makes it possible to attach the lines from the parent its subsidiaries from all four sides. Simply click on the line and drag it into the preferred position. Small arrows at the end indicate the direction of ownership.

Line going from parent into the right side of the subsidiary

Email delivery, link expiry, and more are now visible in your packages

NewKYC Responder

No more stepping in the dark. We significantly improved the quality of information presented to you when opening a shared KYC package. It is now possible to easily track:

  • Whether an email was delivered to the recipient’s inbox

  • Which link type you have used (Unlimited or Single-Use)

  • State of the last download also for unlimited links

  • Link expiry dates

  • Reasons for sharing

Example of email delivery state in a package

Oversee your expiring documents

New KYC Collector

Want to see all your expired documents in one place? Avallone makes it possible! You can now easily get an overview of expiring and expired documents in the dashboard of the KYC Collector.

Overview of expiring documents

A cleaner counterparty profile

New KYC Collector

The interface of all counterparty profiles has been cleaned up to make it more concise and easy to grasp. We have aligned the design and user experience into a neat dashboard that shows the most important information about the counterparty’s:

  • Name, contact person, and role(s)

  • AML status

  • Risk score

  • Screening result

  • Follow-up date

Example of a counterparty dashboard


  • kyc collector AML status now also allows for an AML Approved

  • kyc responder Updates to Officer requests for better performance and usability

  • Platform Option to turn off specific emails for a tenant

Need more help?

Contact us at support@avallone.io, and we will contact you as fast as possible.

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